Thanksgiving & Montserrat

Happy belated Turkey Sumo Day(???)! As most of you know, Thursady was Thanksgiving in the United States. How does our school decide to celebrate? With Turkey Sumo Wrestling! Students (and some teachers!) dressed up in a turkey outfit and battled it out sumo style, like with those huge bulky sumo outfits. It wasn’t quite as entertaining as if they had really been wearing sumo suits, but it was fun nonetheless. Made up (kind of) for not having turkey at our Thanksgiving feast at Zak’s place. Chicken parm was good though!

On Saturday, Robert, Megan, Barbie, Mary (Barbie’s friend from Fullbright) and I climbed Montserrat. Montserrat is a mountain with a church at the top in Bogota. It wasn’t an easy climb, but it only took us an hour to do it. Good warmup for Macchu Picchu in January!

Finally, a few of us went out on Saturday night to go see a local band called Mojarra Electrica. They were fantastic – neat blend of a few styles, with drums, guitars, clarinets and saxes, and a few vocalists. Very cool sound, I bought their CD. I may even put a song up on here as a sample so people can hear it. Let me know if you’re interested!

One thought on “Thanksgiving & Montserrat

  1. Anonymous

    Brad, or should I say Rev. Cauthers, it good to see all of your adventures in Columbia. I love the pictures. Visting the tribe in the rain forest looked like an amazing experience. We get our fair share of Sumo in this part of the world, but we certainly haven`t seen `turkey` sumo. I think it would fly in Japan, especially amongst the foreigners.
    We hope all is well. Laura and I wanted to wish you a happy holiday season.

    Jonas and Laura

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