mmmmmmm, Osaki Boat

Back again! This past weekend went very well. Friday was Zak’s birthday, so it was off to Osaki (mmmmmm, Osaki Boat). I love sushi so much. Afterwards a few of us went out to Mr. Babilla’s, a bar in Zona Rosa. It’s a neat place – too many gringos though :)

Saturday was my night to be the consummate host. I had a dinner party at my place, made pad thai and thai mango salad (mmmmmm, thai food). Finished off the night with some of the Balvenie I picked up at the duty free on the way back from Panama (mmmmmm, Scotch). All in all, a nice little weekend – even if I did screw up and miss frisbee :P

And finally, as some of you may have noticed, I’ve added a message board to the menu on the left. I slaved over it for hours (well, slaved isn’t a good word, more like “installed someone else’s work”), so PLEASE check it out and leave me some messages. I’d love to hear from people!

One thought on “mmmmmmm, Osaki Boat

  1. labgeek

    Hi Brad!!

    Here is a message for you! I am glad that you seem to be having so much fun :) If you come home to Canada for Christmas- let me know and I will give you a call

    Merry christmas

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