My own little time machine

Well holy crap, I finally got down to doing this. I’ve now been in Bogota for almost 3 weeks, so I figure it’s about time I actually got everyone updated. So, here’s how I’m going to do it – since there’s going to be quite a bit to write (I have a lot of catching up to do), I’m going to magically go back in time and create the individual postings! Hallelujah, praise the power of the Blogger! And since I now am hooked up at home, I can take my time doing this – or, at least, I can actually DEVOTE some time to doing it. So, assuming you’re interested (since you’re here, I would guess you are), you’ll have to go to one of the pages where past postings are saved. Click on the July and August links at the bottom, that’ll get you there. Enjoy!