Hey kiddies. Shock and surprise, I’m still waiting for my computer to be fixed. I got a call last night and hopefully there will be someone coming to fix it tonight. So, if all goes according to plan I’ll be back up and running in a few hours. Which means I’ll finally be able to finish going through those pictures from the Galapagos and put them up. Sorry for the wait.
On a fun technical note, I’ve set up my main page so it has an Atom feed (would’ve preferred RSS, but blogger.com uses Atom). That means if you have a newsreader or a good browser (ie. anything but Internet Explorer) you can create a Live Bookmark or the equivalent. Now you don’t have to check this page to see if I’ve updated, all you have to do is check your bookmarks – I’m going to fiddle with it to make sure the date shows up in the summary so you’ll know the last time I updated.