Holy crap, hurry up and wait! It took forever to put in my passport application today. Apparently it wasn’t nearly as bad as normal though – I couldn’t imagine. I picked up the application and then had my pictures taken. THAT was odd – apparently we’re not allowed to smile for passport photos anymore. It turns out they’re planning on implementing visual identification software in the future that relies on recognizing facial features sometime in the future – and any kind of expression on your face messes it up. Sounds like it’s REALLY reliable, no?
With that done, I went to see Mo to get her to be my guarantor (always nice having lawyers as friends). Then I headed back and spent 2 hours sitting around reading Scientific American. It took all of 5 minutes for me to actually go through the process. I didn’t even have to do anything – really, it was a waste of time being there. But, if I’d just mailed it in it would’ve taken much much longer to get the passport in. It should only take 2 weeks (10 working days); we’ll see. The sooner the better – I want to get the info into Colombia as soon as possible.
Oh yeah – Happy St. Paddy’s Day!