Jeff & Tanya get hitched!

Well, I am now officially broke for pretty well the rest of the time I’m living down here. I just paid for a trip to the Galapagos over Semana de Sante (I think that’s spelled properly…) and it ain’t cheap. However, it will DEFINITELY be worth it! Just a little over a month, I can’t wait!

As for the wedding last weekend – fantastic. I had a great time back in Brampton and Guelph, it was nice to see everyone. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to spend enough time in Guelph to see everyone I wanted to see, I guess that’ll have to wait until the next time I’m there. Maybe for a frisbee tournament this summer, who knows.

Jeff and Tanya’s wedding was a great time. Unfortunately, all the pictures from the ceremony turned out blurry – Jamie thinks it’s because it wasn’t bright enough, but I’m going to blame my parents and Anthony :) I have some decent pictures from the morning of and the reception after though, so I’ll pick and choose and send’em up sometime soon.